Wildflowers on the Trails in Taiwan
There are so many beautiful plants on the trails and in the mountains in Taiwan. Although I'm not a botanist and my main focus is still on the hikes, I still want to share those unique flowers I've found on the trails. You can check out the blog posts about the hikes if you want to know more about the trails.
If you want to know more about the flora in Taiwan, you can follow
Trevor's Twitter account or his blog. Trevor is a writer, ecologist, and educator who has been living
in Taiwan for years.
I also want to thank Acer Lee, one of my favorite hiking guides from LOHAS, a very humble guy who is happy to share his profound knowledge of flora and fauna on the trails.
There are also other references I use for this page:
福星花園 (Chinese), 認識植物 (Chinese), and 台灣物種名錄 Catalogue of Life in Taiwan. TaiCol.
For more technical information, please check Database of Native Plant in Taiwan and Plants of Taiwan. Those are recommended by Trevor.
If there is any mistake in the information about those flowers, please don't hesitate to let me know. Also, I apologize for the quality of some images here. I can't stay too long to take photos, especially when hiking with a group. Thank you again for checking out this page.
Chinese Name: 台灣繡線菊
Common Name or Scientific Name: Spiraea formosana
Species: Endemic
Color: White
100 Peaks: Mt. Dabajian 大霸尖山
Photo taken date: July 8, 2022
Chinese Name: 川上氏菫菜
Common Name or Scientific Name: Viola hypoleuca Hayata
Species: Endemic
Color: White
Locations: Mt. Xinan and Shishan
Photo taken date: March 1, 2022
Chinese Name: 台灣堇菜
Common Name or Scientific Name: Viola formosana Hayata
Species: Endemic
Color: White
Locations: Mt. Xinan and Shishan, Mt. Dayuan in Hangxi
Photo taken date: February 28, 2022
Chinese Name: 月桃
Common Name or Scientific Name: Shell Ginger
Species: Native
Color: White
Locations: Common in Taiwan
Photo taken date: April 10, 2022
Chinese Name: 大花羊耳蒜
Common Name or Scientific Name: Black Liparis
Species: Native
Color: Purple
Locations: Mt. Dinghuociao/Mt. Zhongfuzi 丁火巧山/中幅子山, the extention of Mt. Huangzui
Photo taken date: April 9, 2022
Chinese Name: 睡蓮
Common Name or Scientific Name: Water Lilies
Species: Native
Color: White
Locations: Wuliaojian
Photo taken date: January 27, 2022
Chinese Name: 鐘花草
Common Name or Scientific Name: Codonacanthus pauciflorus
Species: Native
Color: White
Locations: Wuliaojian
Photo taken date: January 27, 2022
Chinese Name: 紫花醡醬草
Common Name or Scientific Name: Pink woodsorrel
Species: Native
Color: Purple
Locations: Wuliaojian
Photo taken date: January 27, 2022
Chinese Name: 火炭母草
Common Name or Scientific Name: Chinese knotweed
Species: Native
Color: White
Locations: Beidelaman Trail and Mt. Neiniaozui
Photo taken date: January 16, 2022

Chinese Name: 短毛菫菜
Common Name or Scientific Name: Hairy Violet
Species: Native
Color: Purple
Locations: Dongju Island, Matsu (Lienchiang County)
Photo taken date: December 4, 2021

Chinese Name: 瓊麻
Common Name or Scientific Name: Sisal Hemp, Hemp Plant, Sisal Agave
Species: Introduced
Color: White
Locations: Dongju Island, Matsu (Lienchiang County)
Photo taken date: December 4, 2021
Chinese Name: 陵蘽
Common Name or Scientific Name: Hirsute Raspberry
Species: Introduced
Color: White
Locations: Mt. Dadong and Mt. Sanjiaopuding in Shulin
Photo taken date: January 31, 2022
Chinese Name: 日本鳶尾
Common Name or Scientific Name: White Fringed Iris
Species: Introduced
Color: White
Locations: Mt. Dadong and Mt. Sanjiaopuding in Shulin
Photo taken date: January 31, 2022

Chinese Name: 文珠蘭/文殊蘭
Common Name or Scientific Name: Poison Bulb
Species: Native
Color: White
Locations: Mt. Dadong and Mt. Sanjiaopuding in Shulin
Photo taken date: August 22, 2021

Chinese Name: 蔥蘭
Common Name or Scientific Name: Autumn Zephyr Lily
Species: Introduced
Color: White
Locations: Mt. Dadong and Mt. Sanjiaopuding in Shulin
Photo taken date: August 2021

Chinese Name: 虱母草/野棉花
Common Name or Scientific Name: Urena lobata
Species: Native
Color: White and pink
Locations: Mt. Dadong and Mt. Sanjiaopuding in Shulin
Photo taken date: in September and December 2021

Chinese Name: 九頭獅子草
Common Name or Scientific Name: Peristrophe japonica (Thunb.) Bremek
Species: Native
Color: White and pink
Locations: Mt. Dawo 大窩山, Wufeng Skyline Trails
Photo taken date: September 20, 2020

Chinese Name: 南湖大山蠅子草
Common Name or Scientific Name: Silene glabella
Species: Endemic
Color: White
100 Peaks: Mt. Dabajian 大霸尖山
Photo taken date: September 5, 2020

Chinese Name: 玉山小米草
Common Name or Scientific Name: Taiwan Eyebright, Euphrasia transmorrisonensis
Species: Endemic
Color: White
100 Peaks: Mt. Dabajian 大霸尖山
Photo taken date: September 5, 2020

Chinese Name: 巒大當藥
Common Name or Scientific Name: Swertia randaiensis, Bigseed swertia
Species: Native
Color: White
100 Peaks: Mt. Dabajian 大霸尖山
Photo taken date: September 5, 2020

Chinese Name: 風鈴花, 燈籠花
Common Name or Scientific Name: Striped Abutilon
Species: Introduced
Color: Red
Locations: Mt. Zhitan in Wulai
Photo taken date: March 22, 2020

Chinese Name: 紫花鳳仙花
Common Name or Scientific Name: Impatiens uniflora Hayata
Species: Endemic
Color: Light purple
Locations: Wanrung Forest Trail on 100 Peaks: Mt. Liushun and Qitsai Lake 六順山七彩湖
Photo taken date: January 4, 2021

Chinese Name: 薄瓣懸鉤子
Common Name or Scientific Name: Thin-petal Raspberry
Species: Native
Color: White
Locations: Yangmingshan.
Photo taken date: April 30, 2021

Chinese Name: 狹瓣八仙花
Common Name or Scientific Name: Narrow-petaled Hydrangea
Species: Native
Color: White
Locations: Yangmingshan, Hangxi Yilan
Photo taken date: April 30, 2021

Chinese Name: 地蠶
Common Name or Scientific Name: Earth-silworm Betony
Species: Native
Color: Purple
Locations: Mt. Malingjian 瑪陵尖 in Keelung
Photo taken date: April 18, 2021

Chinese Name: 寶島羊耳蒜
Common Name or Scientific Name: Liparis formosana
Species: Native
Color: Purple
Locations: Mt. Malingjian 瑪陵尖 in Keelung, Mt. Dinghuoqiao 丁火巧山 in Wanli
Photo taken date: April 09, 2022

Chinese Name: 森氏杜鵑
Common Name or Scientific Name: Taiwan Alpine Rhododendron
Species: Native
Color: White, pink
Locations: 100 Peaks Mt. Jyunda 郡大山 in Nantou
Photo taken date: April 11, 2021

Chinese Name: 玉山小蘗
Common Name or Scientific Name: Berberis morrisonensis Hayata, Yushan Barberry
Species: Endemic
Color: Yellow
Locations: 100 Peaks Mt. Jyunda 郡大山 in Nantou
Photo taken date: April 11, 2021

Chinese Name: 台灣馬醉木
Common Name or Scientific Name: Taiwan Pieris
Species: Native
Color: White
Locations: 100 Peaks Mt. Jyunda 郡大山 in Nantou
Photo taken date: April 11, 2021

Chinese Name: 普萊氏月桃
Common Name or Scientific Name: Alpinia Pricei
Species: Endemic
Color: White
Locations: Yangmingshan, Taipei
Photo taken date: April 3, 2021

Chinese Name: 台北堇菜
Common Name or Scientific Name: Taipei Climbing Violet
Species: Native
Color: Light purple
Locations: Yangmingshan, Taipei, Mt. Ayu 阿玉山 in Yilan. Also can be found in Yangmingshan
Photo taken date: April 3, 2021

Chinese Name: 南國薊
Common Name or Scientific Name: Formosan Thistle
Species: Native
Color: Purple
Locations: Yangmingshan, Taipei
Photo taken date: April 3, 2021

Chinese Name: 八角蓮
Common Name or Scientific Name: East-chinese Many-flowered May-apple
Species: Native
Color: Purple
Locations: Shanghuang Creek 上磺溪 in Yangmingshan, Taipei. Also can be found in Hsingchu
Photo taken date: March 28, 2021

Chinese Name: 藍崁馬藍
Common Name or Scientific Name: Strobilanthes rankanensis Hayata
Species: Endemic
Color: Purple
Locations: Mt. Ayu 阿玉山 in Yilan, Yangmingshan
Photo taken date: March 20, 2021

Chinese Name: 深山野牡丹
Common Name or Scientific Name: Formosan Barthea
Species: Native
Color: White
Locations: Mt. Ayu 阿玉山 in Yilan
Photo taken date: March 20, 2021

Chinese Name: 通泉草
Common Name or Scientific Name: Asian Mazus
Species: Native
Color: Light purple
Locations: Yangmingshan, Taipei, Mt. Ayu 阿玉山 in Yilan. Very common in Taiwan
Photo taken date: March 28, 2021

Chinese Name: 三奈 (some say it's 台灣山薑)
Common Name or Scientific Name: Zingiber kawagoii Hayata
Species: Native
Color: Red
Locations: Mt. Neipinlin 內平林山, and Wang-zi-shih-keng Old Trail 尪仔石坑古道 in Pingxi. Those are the fruits. Flowers are very difficult to find.
Photo taken date: January 30 and February 7, 2021

Chinese Name: 蛇根草
Common Name or Scientific Name: Japanese Ophiorrhiza
Species: Native
Color: White
Locations: 金敏子山 Mt. Jinminzi in Sanxia, 阿玉山 Mt. Ayu in Yilan, Mt. Dahun and Lidong Mountain Fort, Beidelaman Trail and Mt. Neiniaozui, Wuliaojian, Mt. Dayuan in Hangxi
Photo taken date: January 24, 2021 and March 20, 2021

Chinese Name: 黃花鼠尾草
Common Name or Scientific Name: Salvia nipponica var. formosana
Species: Endemic
Color: Yellow
Locations: Mt. Dawo 大窩山, Wufeng Skyline Trails
Photo taken date: September 19, 2020

Chinese Name: 角桐草
Common Name or Scientific Name: Taiwan Bicornuta (Hemiboea bicornuta (Hayata) Ohwi)
Species: Endemic
Color: White with purple dots
Locations: Mt. Dawo 大窩山, Wufeng Skyline Trails
Photo taken date: September 19, 2020

Chinese Name: 台灣馬蘭
Common Name or Scientific Name: Strobilanthes formosanus Moore
Species: Endemic
Color: Light purple
Locations: Mt. Dawo 大窩山, Wufeng Skyline Trails
Photo taken date: September 19, 2020

Chinese Name: 小杜若
Common Name or Scientific Name: Pollia miranda (H. Lev.) Hara
Species: Native
Color: White
Locations: Mt. Shihniu (Stone Bufflo Mountain), Taoyuan, Mt. Jinminzi
Photo taken date: August 30, 2020
Chinese Name: 台灣油點草
Common Name or Scientific Name: Taiwan Toadlily
Species: Endemic
Color: Purple
Shakadang Trail. Also can be found on Wanrung Forest Road on the way to Mt. Liushun and Qitsai Lake 六順山, 七彩湖.
Photo taken date: November 14, 2020

Chinese Name: 韭蘭
Common Name or Scientific Name: Rosepink Zephyrlily, Red zephyr lily
Species: Introduced
Color: Pink
Zhuilu Old Trail
Photo taken date: November 15, 2020

Chinese Name: 一葉鍾馗蘭, 一葉罈花蘭
Common Name or Scientific Name: Striate Acanthephippium
Species: Native
Color: White
烏桶縱走 Mt. Wulai to Mt. Datong
Photo taken date: April 18, 2020

Chinese Name: 油桐花
Common Name or Scientific Name: Tung tree, Tung Oil Tree
Species: Introduced species
Color: White
烏桶縱走 Mt. Wulai to Mt. Datong. Very common in Taiwan in spring.
Photo taken date: April 18, 2020

Chinese Name: 阿里山龍膽
Common Name or Scientific Name: Alisan Gentiana
Species: Endemic
Color: Purple
100 Peaks: Mt. Baigu 白姑大山
Photo taken date: July 25, 2020

Chinese Name: 裂緣花
Common Name or Scientific Name: Shortia exappendiculata Hayata
Species: Endemic
Color: White
100 Peaks: Mt. Baigu 白姑大山
Photo taken date: July 25, 2020

Chinese Name: 長距根節蘭
Common Name or Scientific Name: Calanthe sylvatica (Thouars) Lindl.
Species: Native
Color: Pink or dark pink
Mt. Liwu 立霧山. Also can be found in Mt. Badaoer 拔刀爾山, Wulai.
Photo taken date: August 16, 2020

Chinese Name: 白鶴蘭
Common Name or Scientific Name: Triplicate Calanthe, White Crane Orchid
Species: Native
Color: White
Locations: 埔里 有勝山 Mt. Yousheng, Puli
Photo taken date: August 9, 2020

Chinese Name: 野牡丹
Common Name or Scientific Name: Common Melastoma
Species: Native
Color: Pink
Locations: Tamsui-Kavalan Historical Trail, mid-section. Also can be found in other places.
Photo taken date: May 30, 2020

Chinese Name: 水晶蘭
Common Name or Scientific Name: Indian Pipe, Corpse Plant, Convulsion Root, Pinesap
Species: Native
Color: White
Photo taken date: July 25, 2020

Chinese Name: 玉山沙參, 台灣沙參
Common Name or Scientific Name: Adenophora uehatae, Taiwan Ladybell
Species: Endemic
Color: Purple
100 Peaks: Mt. Dabajian 大霸尖山. Also can be found on Zhuilu Old Trail
Photo taken date: September 5, 2020

Chinese Name: 塔塔加薊
Common Name or Scientific Name: Cirsium tatakaense
Species: Endemic
Color: White
Locations: 100 Peaks: Mt. Dabajian 大霸尖山. Also can be found in other high mountains.
Photo taken date: September 5, 2020
This flower also appears on the banknote of NT$1,000.
More about this flower

Chinese Name: 高山白珠樹
Common Name or Scientific Name: Gaultheria itoana Hayata, Taiwan Gaultheria, Borneo Winter
Species: Native
Color: White
Locations: 100 Peaks: Mt. Dabajian 大霸尖山
Photo taken date: September 5, 2020

Chinese Name: 玉山石竹
Common Name or Scientific Name: Dianthus pygmaeus Hayata
Species: Endemic
Color: Pink
100 Peaks: Mt. Dabajian 大霸尖山. Also can be found in 100 Peaks: Qilai Nanhua 奇萊南華, Zhuilu Old Trail 錐麓古道, 100 Peaks: Mt. Liushun and Qitsai Lake 六順山七彩湖.
Photo taken date: September 5, 2020