Taiwan Hikes

Your Self-Guided Journey Starts Here

Curated Taiwan Hiking Trips with Local Guides

Looking for guided hiking trips in Taiwan? You will find free and paid hiking trips from the hiking associations based in Taipei.
While hiking in Eastern Taiwan, we encountered indigenous people with many stories to share. The region offers many experiences, from boutique tours that immerse you in tribal heritage to savoring local cuisine and exploring lush mountains.
Despite challenges post-earthquake, these communities display resilience. Supporting their tours is a meaningful way to show solidarity and appreciation. You will find their information below to search for their exquisite tours.
The view before Longxi Train Station 瀧溪車站 near Putung Tribe

Table of Contents:

🎉 Explore the Indigenous Heritage in Eastern Taiwan

We found those indigenous tribes in Hualien and Taitung, and they have been providing exquisite tours for years. We are not affiliated with them, and haven't got a chance to experience all of them yet. Yet, the ratings and reviews have provided insights about their tours. Find out more by clicking their websites or Facebook pages.
Location: Guanfu Township, Hualien County 花蓮光復鄉
Tribe: Tafalong 太巴塱部落
Company or group: Zong Gu Xian Studio 縱谷線工作室
About: A local team formed by young people from the Tafalong tribe in Hualien after returning to their hometown. Focusing on tribal daily life, in-depth travel, and sustainable tourism, they take travelers to explore the pure integration of indigenous culture with nature. They provide regular and customized tours.
Location: Wanrong Township, Hualien 花蓮縣萬榮鄉
Tribe: Truku 太魯閣族
Company or group: Akay Play Life 阿改玩生活, Ciyakang 支亞干部落
About: Akay Play Life is a tribal youth entrepreneurship company established by the Ciyakang tribe. The primary goal is to help the community become sustainable and maintain cultural heritage.
Location: Yuli Township, Hualien County 花蓮玉里鎮
Tribe: Amis 阿美族
Company or group: Ceroh 織羅部落: Alida/米86 在織羅部落
About: Ceroh Tribe promotes their tribal specialty crop - the Alida, also known as grandma's snack in the Amis tribe. It is a traditional crop of the tribal people in Yuli Township. From fresh Alida to processed powder, all done by their own hands. Join a tour of the tribe to learn about their food culture and agricultural practices, including Alida harvesting, Alida powder making, snowflake cake DIY, jelly DIY, and more.
Location: Yuli Township, Hualien County 花蓮玉里鎮
Tribe: Bunun 布農族, Amis 阿美族, and Sediq 賽德克族
Company or group: Tana 達娜分享文化
About: Tana Culture is a group of indigenous Bunun, Amis, and Sediq people who returned to their hometown, Yuli. They provide regular bike tours in Batongguan and historic walk tours.
Location: Yanping Township, Taitung County 台東縣延平鄉
Tribe: Bunun 布農族
Company or group: Sazasa Forest Culture Museum 鸞山森林文化博物館
About: Sazasa Forest Culture Museum offers both short and long trips. Here, you can not only listen to Aliman, the Bunun tribe member, explain the history of migration but also learn the mountain wisdom of the Bunun tribe and try to live in the simplest way, returning to the most basic rhythm. Visitors can also make a reservation in advance to taste traditional Bunun cuisine.
Location: Yanping Township, Taitung County 台東縣延平鄉
Tribe: Bunun 布農族
Company or group: Sunungsung 永康部落: Uni Na Ng Taluhan 烏尼囊多元文化工作坊
About: Living amidst the mountains, what do the Bunun people cook in their pots? What crops do they plant? How do they preserve the game brought back by the courageous hunters? Uni Na Ng Taluhan, the "Hunter's Table" workshop, offers a cultural experience and a taste of traditional flavors, leading everyone into the pure and profound world of the Bunun tribe.
Location: Beinan Township, Taitung County 臺東縣卑南鄉
Tribe: Rukai 魯凱族
Company or group: Ilra Taromak E拉_達魯瑪克
About: Ilra Taromak promotes low-carbon, immersive travel to reduce ecological impact and encourage a deeper connection with tribal life. The goal is to foster respect for nature and its ownership. Activities include Toona sinensis tea/egg rolls, Taromak tribe tours, Rukai cuisine, succulent plant DIY, coffee breaks, tribal buns, unique homestays, hunter experiences, outdoor adventures, traditional crafts, and indigenous clothing experiences.
Location: Daren Township, Taitung County 台東達仁鄉
Tribe: Paiwan 排灣族
Company or group: Putung 土坂部落, Putung Style 不懂生活
About: Paiwan Culture | Traditional Camping Experience | Mountains | Hiking | Ancient Trail Exploration. Journey along the South Link Highway to the remote village of Putung in Daren Township, Taitung. Putung Style has created a living area in the mountains where their family shares their daily life with visitors.

Hike with the Locals: Free and Paid Hikes Available

Launch unforgettable hikes in Taiwan with our curated selection of trips from local hiking groups. Those hiking trips cater to all skill levels, from leisurely strolls to challenging treks. You will find free and paid options, ensuring a memorable experience for every adventurer during your stay in Taiwan.
How to join those hikes? For most free hikes, you just show up at the meeting point on time and ask the hikers you see. For paid hikes, please contact the guides for details.

Hike Consultation: Simplify Your Taiwan Hike with Our Services

Tackling the intricacies of permit applications and deciphering public transport routes in Taiwan can be daunting. We're here to make your hiking adventure hassle-free.
Our service takes care of all the nitty-gritty details, from permit applications to transportation arrangements, weather reminders, and more. Let us handle the complexities, so you can focus on the breathtaking trails and unforgettable experiences. Visit our commission page or click the button below for all the details.