Work with Us 和我們合作
Our Mission
Our mission is simple. We want to get more people to know Taiwan's
unique nature and it's a heaven for outdoor lovers.
If you are a hiking association in Taiwan, 如果你是台灣的登山社團:
我們希望能跟更多的台灣優質合法登山社團合作, 把他們的行程放在Taiwan
Hikes的網站上, 讓更多的人有機會體驗台灣人的熱情. 如果您的社團有興趣,
We hope to work with more good hiking associations and clubs and help them post their hiking trips on Taiwan Hikes website. If you are interested, please contact us for details.
We hope to work with more good hiking associations and clubs and help them post their hiking trips on Taiwan Hikes website. If you are interested, please contact us for details.
If you are a Taiwanese manufacturer of outdoor products, 如果您是台灣戶外用品或是相關產品的製造商
初期我們希望能提供台灣廠商一個免費平台, 讓更多人可以看到台灣優質產品, 跟Taiwan Hikes一起成長.